Saturday, September 11, 2010


Ignacio Abella took me to the Sul research farm about two hour out from Montevideo. SUL is the Secretariado Uruguayo De La Lana, in other words, Uruguay's wool Board. Ignacio studied in Australia at Amidale UNE and knows many of the people I'm involved with in the sheep CRC. We had a great day looking around the farm as Ignacio explained the pasture and systems and showed me some of the differences between our two systems. One being the bales of wool. Many years ago, Australia started trialing plastic bales instead of nylon or jute ones, well it caught on in Uruguay and but not Australia and they now baned them with wire. Another difference is in Australia if your going into a wet paddock you take a 4x4 and not a small front wheel drive car! Cheers Ignacio, thanks for the great day.
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