Tuesday, March 9, 2010


The Lincoln memorial was much bigger that I had imagined through the images I had seen on TV and movies. In fact I really had had no idea of the size and scale of the monuments in Washington. As you travel down Pennsylvania avenue from capitol hill to the white house you can’t help but feel the sense of power and wealth they are trying to convey.

The war memorials where also vast in both size and number. The Vietnam memorial was moving as it was just names and showed no reference to the glory of war. My favourite was the Korean memorial. On a foggy morning or in the snow the positions of their bodies and the expressions on their faces convey all the horrors of war.

The Irish Nuffield Scholars have formed a boy band. They have been practising at the local karaoke bar and will soon be ready to hit the road. From left to right Bill, Kevin, Julian, Bill, Kevin.

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Jenborg said...

Are those eery people dead soldiers?
Are they dispicting the features of the actual person, or do they all look the same> Interesting... creepy

MUMMA said...

I loved Washington - we want to go back one day - we only spent a couple of days there. Hot today, just back from Perth. H