Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I love coffee. So it was great to see where 35% of the worlds coffee is produced. These guys go for the quality as opposed to the quantity market. So they direct market all the produce. One of their customers is the Queen.
They have cuppers. These guys test the coffee before it's harvested and lets the managers know when to pick, they test every load from the field and grade it and they also custom blend for customers. What they do is pick a small sample of berries, dehull, dry(in a very small dryer similar to the large ones) roast, smell, sip and spit out the liquor.(The sound they make is similar to Hannibal Lector). Then they score it. We all had a go at the sipping and I'm sure it will find it's way onto you-tube for your entertainment.
We where then treated to some great coffee. Cheers


Jenborg said...


Anonymous said...

How are they harvested? and can they only be picked when green?