Thursday, June 24, 2010

Crops look good

Wedgetail wheat has been grazed once and is ready for the twin lambing ewes to lamb in.
Early sown canola is looking good and is due for a selective herbicide and the first nitrogen application.
This is the Preston wheat. It was sown on the 2 May onto sub soil moisture. Preston is a new wheat from the CSIRO's high rainfall wheat breeding program, it's not the best looking wheat (pale green) but it seems to yield well.
Jen seeded this Canola on the 25th march while I was in Brazil on my global focus program. It was meant to be grazed three weeks ago as part of a grain and graze project, but due to animal ethics saying there isn't enough food on offer they wouldn't put the sheep on. As you can see from the picture the canola is flowering and there is more than enough feed. They still wouldn't put the sheep on this week so we've called the trial off and put some sheep in today. we will run the experiment ourselves.
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